
"Recent Advances in Biology and Medicine" is an Open-Access, Peer-Reviewed journal, publishing scholarly articles in Biology & Medicine (related to health and diseases), as well as in Agriculture & Allied Sciences. This journal is currently listed in Cabell's Journalytics (globally recognized WHITE-LIST of journals), which is also known as Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities. Anyone with access to Cabell's International can verify. Cabell's Journalytics is an independent, curated database of scholarly journals that guides researchers, publishers, librarians, academics, and administrators to the publications they need.


NATIONAL CONFERENCE on “Advances in Biological Sciences: Molecules to Organisms” will be held in the Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP), India, from 28/12/24 to 29/12/24. The details of the conference are available at the following link 


The registered participants are eligible to publish their full-length papers/review articles in this journal without any publication / open access charges. At least one author from the group must have registered for the conference. The submission will follow the normal process of peer-review as per the journal guidelines. The accepted paper will be published in a regular issue of this journal.


Chief Editor
Prof. Yasir Hasan Siddique

Indexed in Chemical Abstracts Service of American Chemical Society; Google Scholar, ResearchGate, CrossRef, J-Gate, Gale Cengage, Scilit (MDPI) and Index Copernicus

Publisher: HATASO - SynergyGlobal
E-ISSN: 2378-654X

Submit your manuscripts online by clicking ‘Submit Manuscript’ at the top right.

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Recent Advances in Biology and Medicine (RABM) publishes open-access peer-reviewed original research articles, review articles, clinical studies, case reports & short communications. RABM uses a continuous publishing model in which articles are published when ready, rather than waiting for a specific issue date.

No Article Processing Fee
Papers are published IF ACCEPTED after peer-review, There is no processing charge for papers submitted until 31 Dec 2024. Submission Fee is applicable to all online submissions. Authors from India are exempted from the Submission Fee and hence, they can submit their manuscripts by email to [email protected], however, in that case, they will not get automatic email alerts during the peer-review process.

Fee Waiver Policy

This is applicable to all Article Types.

Aims & Scope
RABM considers articles that include the recent developments, applications of techniques and analyses linked to the study of human, animal and plant diseases/disorders and related drugs/compounds (synthetic or natural). Articles analyzing diseases caused by environmental pollution are also considered. In addition, the journal considers articles that describe interdisciplinary research studies involving medical sciences, pharmacology, toxicology, medicinal chemistry, health care, hospital management, and epidemiology. RABM also includes Agriculture and Allied Sciences articles.

Full-text articles are indexed by Gale Cengage, Google Scholar, ResearchGate and J-Gate. Under review by CABI (UK). After publication of some more articles the journal will be submitted to Scopus and PubMed / MEDLINE for possible indexing. The journal is a member of Publishers International Linking Association (PILA) and registered with CrossRef.

Archiving and Digital Preservation Policy
Will be archived with “Portico” after acceptance in Web of Science. Currently, most of the published articles are archived and preserved with public full-text through ResearchGate and Internet Archive Scholar.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

HATASO expects the best ethical standards from their authors, reviewers and editors while conducting research, submitting articles and throughout peer-review (Please see https://hataso.com/publication-ethics).

Peer Review Policy
This journal uses double-blind peer-review procedure for evaluating submissions. Here, the identity of the reviewers and the authors are unknown to one another. This ensures impartiality and helps every manuscript get an unbiased review. After the manuscript has passed the initial plagiarism as well as quality check, it is assigned to two external reviewers for their recommendation and comments. The Editor takes a decision on a paper after receiving the comments of the two reviewers. The Editor mediates all interactions between the reviewers and authors. Peer reviews are not published. Reviewers should read the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers

Plagiarism or Duplicate Publication Policy
This journal uses the Grammarly Plagiarism Detection Program for checking newly submitted articles. Duplicate or plagiarized publication overlaps substantially with one already published, in press, or under submission. See ICMJE (https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/overlapping-publications.html)
Duplicate or redundant submission is the same manuscript (or the same data) that is submitted to multiple journals at the same time. International copyright laws and ethical conduct require that readers get to read original material. See ICMJE.
Submitted articles should not have been published or presently submitted elsewhere. Duplicate publication violates the APA code of ethics (APA Publication Manual, 2010) and will be grounds for prompt rejection of the submitted manuscript. If the editor was unaware of the violation and the article has been published, a notice of duplicate submission and the ethical violation will be published.

Retraction Policy
This journal abides by COPE Guidelines (https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines)

Competing Interests
At submission, each author must reveal any financial interests or connections, direct or indirect, or other circumstances that might raise the question of bias in the work reported or the conclusions, implications, or opinions stated - including pertinent commercial or other sources of funding for the individual author(s) or for the associated department(s) or organization(s), personal relationships, or direct academic competition. In case the article is accepted, Competing Interest (Conflict of Interest) information will be given in a published statement.

Patient Consent Forms
It is essential to protect a patient’s right to privacy. Please collect and keep copies of patients’ consent forms on which patients or other subjects of your experiments clearly grant permission for the publication of photographs or other material that might identify them. If the consent form for your study did not specifically include this, please obtain the permission or remove the identifying material.
A statement to the effect that such consent had been taken must be included in the ‘Methods’ section of your article. If required the Editors may request a copy of any of the consent forms.

Ethics Committee Approval
All manuscripts dealing with original human or animal data must include a statement on ethics approval at the start of the ‘Methods’ section. The paragraph must contain the following information: the name and address of the responsible ethics committee; the protocol number that was attributed by this ethics committee; and the date of approval by the ethics committee.
The paragraph could read, for example:
“Ethical approval for this study (Ethical Committee No. NEC 211) was provided by the Ethical Committee NEC of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, on 15th January 2010”.
Additionally and as stated above, for studies conducted on humans you must state clearly that you obtained written informed consent from the study participants; please go through the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/). Similarly, for experiments involving animals you must state the animal care and licensing guidelines under which the study was performed and report these as per the ARRIVE (Animals in Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments; https://arriveguidelines.org/) statement. If ethics clearance was not necessary, or if there was any deviation from these standard ethical requests, please state why it was not required. Kindly note that the editors may ask you to provide evidence of ethical approval. If you obtained approval from a National Drug Agency (or similar organization) please state this and provide details, this can be especially useful when discussing the use of unlicensed drugs/compounds.

Publication of Articles
This is an entirely online journal publishing and maintaining a high quality of manuscripts. The manuscripts will be published after the peer-review by an international panel of experts is completed and the manuscript is approved. The decision on acceptance, revise and resubmit or rejection (depending upon reviewer comments) will usually be taken within 30-45 days for most manuscripts. The journal publishes rolling articles on its website soon after acceptance and follows a ‘continuous publication’ schedule.

Guidelines for Reviewers
How to write helpful peer-review comments (see https://blog.scholasticahq.com/post/how-to-write-helpful-peer-review-comments/)

Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Editors disclaim any responsibility for the statements by authors and their opinions published in this journal.

Copyright & Licensing Policy
The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis) and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All open access articles published by the journal are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

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