Short Description: Peer-Reviewed, Open-Access, Google Scholar indexed, Cabells WHITE-LISTED journal, publishing scholarly articles in finance, marketing, human resource, Information Technology, along with manuscripts documenting Economics research data and analysis.
E-ISSN: 2469-4339
Publisher: HATASO - SynergyGlobal
Address: Plot No. 15, Ground Floor, 3rd Cross, Balaji Nagar, Oulgaret
City: Puducherry
State: Puducherry
Country: India
ZIP: 605010
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Original Research Article
Dec 20, 2024
A workplace that is harmonious and that guarantees satisfaction of workers and employers’ aspirations is essential for enhanced services provision in Kenya’s devolved public health sector. The devolved public health sector has experienced frequent and often localized health workers’ industrial actions since the devolution of health care services in 2013. These industrial actions not only affect the economic growth of the country but also have an effect on the citizens' well-being. The objective of the study was to determine the influence of continuous organizational learning on industrial harmony in Kenya’s devolved public health sector. The study was guided by Experiential Learning Theory. The study used a pragmatic research paradigm with concurrent mixed methods research methodology being the research design. The target population was 351 health workers in Level Five County Referral Hospitals selected using stratified random sampling in the CEREB. Data analysis involved both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Descriptive statistics comprised means and standard deviation, with inferential statistics comprising regression analysis. The study established that continuous organizational learning has a positive and significant influence on industrial harmony (β=1.093, p-value=.000). Continuous organizational learning was found to enhance industrial harmony in Kenya’s devolved public health sector. The study recommended that increased efforts be put in place to enable creating, retaining and transferring knowledge within the sector. In addition, the study recommended the enhancement of continuous organizational learning to enable the sector to respond quickly and adapt to the turbulent and changing business environment. The study also recommended the need for re-training of managers within the sector in strategic human resource management and employee welfare so that the employees can become psychologically attached to the sector. The sector should also focus on promoting open and transparent communication as well as training on leadership and emotional intelligence. The training should also focus on the legal framework of engagement, diversity and inclusion. This will enable the creation of an inclusive workplace where the employees feel respected and valued, thereby reducing potential causes of conflict.
Original Research Article
Dec 12, 2024
Within the COVID-19 outbreak context, some industries were seriously affected, and the travel and tourism industry was undisputedly one of those industries. Mumpreneurs operating in the tourism sector are on the rise, particularly in the accommodation and hospitality sub-sector. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on mumpreneurs operating in the tourism sector as businesses were closed for some period at the beginning of the crisis, leaving them without any income. Therefore, the research paper has been undertaken to examine mumpreneurs’ business recovery plans in response to new challenges within the context of the pandemic in South Africa and likewise to explore the underlying business management practices needed by mumpreneurs to recover and continue to operate post-COVID-19. Using a phenomenological research approach, in-depth interviews were conducted to comprehend the experiences of mumpreneurs and understand their recovery plans post-COVID-19. The findings of the study indicated that the pandemic impacted the business operations of mumpreneurs, and as a result, various business recovery strategies were employed to mitigate the risk posed by the pandemic. The findings can be utilized to make viable decisions to boost mumpreneurs in South Africa since they are a valuable proportion of the economy.
Original Research Article
Dec 08, 2024
This study analyses the effect of cryptocurrency on the Nigerian economy. The development of crypto-currency as a means of exchange without legal backing and invisibility of the identity of operators has posed peculiar challenges, such as illicit financial flow and terrorism, amongst others, to the country. This study, therefore, sought to examine the effect of crypto-currency on the Nigerian economy. The study hinged on social exchange theory. Secondary data were obtained from the CBN statistical bulletin and Global Financial Integrity Report for a period of six years from 2015 to 2020. The data were analyzed using a simple regression model. The result shows that R is 7.9%, which means that there is a low positive relationship between crypto-currency and the level of economic development in Nigeria. It further shows an adjusted R square of -38.4 which depicts that crypto-currency has a low inverse effect on the level of economic development in Nigeria. In conclusion, the computed p-value of 0.945, which is higher than the set p-value of 0.05, shows that crypto-currency does not have a significant effect on the level of economic development in Nigeria. Hence, it is recommended that, in order to sustain economic development from the activities of crypto-currency in Nigeria, the CBN needs to ensure that laws and mechanisms are put in place to capture the activities of crypto-currency in the country adequately.