
Time to Theatre of Acute Surgery Cases in Sanglah Hospital: A Hospital-Based Study

Authors: Tjokorda GB Mahadewa et al.

DOI : 10.18639/RABM.2017.03.516137

Section : Original Research Article

Published Date : Oct 25, 2017


We performed a hospital-based survey of time to theatre, between arrival at the emergency room for acute surgery cases and surgery intervention, in nine subdepartments of surgery in Sanglah Hospital. The objective of this study was to obtain the determinant factors that affect the time to theatre of acute surgery cases in Sanglah Hospital. There were 321 acute surgery cases during July–October 2016. The majority of them were of 65 years old (90.7%) and male cases (69.8%). There were 67% patients from outside of Denpasar city. The predominant cases were in traumatology subdepartment (47.7%), neurosurgery (24.9%), and orthopedic (11.8%). The average time to theatre was 649.83 min, and the surgery duration was 156.38 min. An analysis of the independent t-test of time to theatre showed a significant difference in age category (p 5 0.042); the analysis showed that the time to theatre that differed in categories of gender was significant (p 5 0.006). The time to theatre was significantly different if managed by traumatology subdepartment than others (p 5 0.006) and in the type of surgery (p 5 0.001) performed. This research concluded that the time to theatre of acute surgery was affected by the age of the patient, gender of patient, subdepartment category, and type of surgery. One factor that plays a key role in the efficiency of the acute surgical time is to identify the patients who require emergency or urgent surgery.
