
Remediation of Heavy Metals from Soil by Eco Approaches

Authors: Manish Batham , Jot Sharma

DOI : 10.18639/RABM.2019.869984

Section : Agriculture and Allied Sciences

Published Date : May 23, 2019


The contamination of soil by anthropogenic activities is of great concern in recent times. There is an urgent demand of reliable and eco-friendly approaches for remediation of this concern. The current techniques for heavy metal remediation from contaminated soil are costly, time consuming, and harmful for the environment. Toxicity of heavy metals can reduce plant growth, and a high level of presence of these heavy metals is a risk factor to human and plant health. Heavy metals neither biodegradable materials nor are created. They occur naturally in the earth crust, and they reach the environment by human activities. Organic compounds can be degraded, but metals cannot degrade, and therefore effective cleanup requires its immobilization to reduce or remove toxicity. Recently, research focuses on cost-effective technologies to clean polluted areas. Vermiremediation and phytoremediation are two such useful techniques. In these eco-friendly techniques of remediation, the target plants accumulate, volatilize the contaminants, or convert them into some nontoxic forms, thus remediating the soil.
