
Management and Economics Research Journal
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Race to the Bottom: Sino-US Trade War and Consequent Plastic Waste Mismanagement in the Global South

DOI : 10.18639/MERJ.2019.953623

Section : Review Article

Published Date : Oct 21,2019


Special Issue S4: “Global Trade Wars - A Case of Sino-US Trade War”


Globalization today can convincingly be said to have reached its pinnacle. However, with the world turning into a global space of homogeneity the stakes of survival have risen up too. The various forms of environmental degradation culminating into climate change have been accelerated due to globalization. This review discusses one such form of global environmental degradation that poses a serious threat to the health of citizens in the Global South. The phenomenon being talked about here is that of global waste dumping, a practice that has caught up roughly over the past four decades. The context that helps in illustrating the same is the United States–China trade war, narrowed down to the recent ban imposed by China and India on the import of plastic waste. As a reaction to excessive plastic waste dumping from Global South to Global North, 180 nations agreed in Geneva to add mixed plastic scrap to the Basel Convention. However, as will be shown in this review, the burden has only shifted to even poorer nations who willingly buy plastic waste from countries of Global North. The phenomenon of dumping plastic waste can be explained through the distinction between the developed and developing countries understood in the dualist taxonomy of Global North and Global South.

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