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Intake of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract Decreases IL-1 and TNF-α Levels in Dyslipidemic Wistar Rat Model

DOI : 10.18639/RABM.2017.03.452314

Section : Original Research Article

Published Date : May 18,2017



Changes in consumption behavior to instant food cause various health problems, such as obesity, dislipidemia, and atherosclerosis. A study was conducted to investigate Moringa oleifera extract as an anti-inflammation product that decreases the levels of biochemical markers IL-1 and TNF-a. This experiment was done with randomized pre- and posttest control-group design, employing 40 Wistar rats separated into five groups: control group 0% M. oleifera leaf extract (P0), treatment group 1 with 10% M. oleifera leaf extract (P1), treatment group 2 with 15% M. oleifera leaf extract (P2), treatment group 3 with 20% M. oleifera leaf extract (P3), and treatment group 4 with 25% M. oleifera leaf extract (P4). This research observed that intake of 20% M. oleifera leaf extract results in the highest significant decrease of 15.42% of IL-1 level (134.64 6 1.98 to 113.87 6 4.30 pg/mL) and decrease of 45.63% of TNF-α level (28.62 6 1.25 to 15.56 6 7.20 pg/mL). Therefore, it can be concluded that intake of M. oleifera leaf extract by Wistar rat has anti-inflammatory effects on chronic dyslipidemia through decrease of IL-1 and TNF-α levels and histopathology profile. Further research is required to determine whether the application of M. oleifera leaf extract (daun kelor) in humans will have similar anti-inflammation effects.

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