
Recent Advances in Biology and Medicine
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Hypopituitarism Post-Traumatic Brain Injury

DOI : 10.18639/RABM.2019.739740

Section : Review Article

Published Date : Feb 17,2019




Traumatic brain injury often causes disability and death among adults and children. The injury may have a significant long-lasting effect to the neuroendocrine system. One of the most common effects is hypopituitarism. It can affect the quality of life and increase healthcare burden. This review is made to understand the hypopituitarism post-traumatic brain injury. The review was done by searching journal literature published in the last 10 years. Hypopituitarism can be found in the acute or chronic phase. Sometimes patients come with specific symptoms such as amenorrhea, infertility, precocious puberty, or even diabetes insipidus. A severe case of Addisonian crisis patient may end in an intensive care unit. Hypopituitarism post-traumatic brain injury will impair rehabilitation. Therefore, traumatic brain injury patient should be assessed for pituitary function examination in 6-12 months post injury to prevent further deterioration and improve the quality of life.

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