
The Value and Challenges of Employee and Workplace Collegiality in the Institute of Higher Learning

Authors: Andrew Enaifoghe

DOI : 10.18639/MERJ.2022.9900053

Section : Original Research Article

Published Date : May 30, 2022


The study explored the importance, value, and challenges of employee collegiality in the workplace at the institute of higher learning. Workplaces such as universities have traditionally been disconnecting places where “collegial cooperation among academic staff is not common practice, for them to take the time to talk or work together.” Employees require ways to connect in ways that benefit their students, contribute to making their work more interesting, and shape humans in such a way that it remains dynamic and pertinent. For a long time, the workplace has been subject to rationalizing reforms, not least in correlation with the exceptional development and transition from elite to mass education. There has been an explosion in the emergence of various modes of organizing, allocating resources, and evaluating results. Premised on a review of existing literature, this article highlights the significance of collegiality among employees at the workplace and identifies the major positive outcomes of truly collaborative and collegial backgrounds in the institutes of higher learning. The study finds that collegiality is a proficient trait or attribute as well as a management theory; it is the companionship and cooperation between colleagues who share responsibility.
