
Strategic Review on Developing Salmon Aquaculture with Deep Ocean Water: A Case Study of Nan’ao Deep Ocean Water Park in Yilan County, Taiwan

Authors: Yung Song Chen et al.


Section : Research Article

Published Date : Aug 14, 2018


Currently the utilization of deep ocean water (DOW or deep sea water/DSW) is receiving much attention due to its high added value with large quantity, high productivity and potential for recycling energy. Deep ocean water possesses three main characteristics: low temperature, cleanliness and nutrient richness. In eastern Taiwan, the steep coastal landforms make it a great potential to develop deep ocean water industry. In order to promote DOW related industry, Yilan County government in eastern Taiwan has established DOW Park in Nan'ao Township. Through commercializing the DOW resources and introducing non-governmental investment from the private sectors, the DOW Park aims to promote regional development and upgrade the related industries. In the present study, we investigated the potential market demands, technical conditions and its biological natures of developing salmon aquaculture at Nan'ao DOW Park. It aims to take advantage of the characteristics of DOW to propose industrial strategies on salmon aquaculture with DOW and establish the developmental goals at different times. In general, three stages i.e. short, medium and long-term stages will be analyzed respectively. In the short-term stage, the objective of harvested salmon is to achieve 30,000 mt yr-1 for the domestic market demands in the common size of 1 kg-5 kg fish-1. In the medium and long-term stages, the objectives are focusing on the markets in Japan, China and Southeast Asian countries, aiming to achieve the salmon harvest with 300,000 mt-500,000 mt year-1. The domestic market of the DOW salmon industry is estimated to reach approximately US$ 330 million (NT$ 10 billion) of linking industrial cluster and global value chain. The study may also provide the government an innovative strategy and market orientation towards DOW industry guidance as well an investment consideration for enterprises having an interest in developing DOW related industry.
